As spring foliage emerges, certain views of Fairbank Oil Fields disappear from sight. Here are four views that we will not see again for many months: Our Moon Shot It…
For the first 57 years of its existence, Fairbank Oil Fields relied on the power of steam, horses and the physical strength of the oil men. When John Henry Fairbank…
It was the invisible made visible. A wooden underground oil tank at Fairbank Oil, of the 1870s, was recently brought into view when the plank “lid” was removed. “It was…
Spring is a season of new beginnings. You not only see spring with sightings of robins, kildeer, and masses of red-wing blackbirds, you hear it. Birdsong and the croaking of…
William Logan, became the founding director of the Geological Survey of Canada in 1842.Is there anyone who doesn’t use Wikipedia? It’s mighty handy when you just want some fast facts…
The pandemic has left us scratching our heads as we help plan this year’s international conference on the global heritage of the oil industry. We feel this conference is key…
In the early days, Oil Springs was a forest of three-pole derricks above each well. Photo courtesy of Lambton County Archives Ahead of Oil Springs’ 8-year boom and bust, geological…
Charlie Fairbank (right) is seen in the blacksmith shop with oilman Raymond “Bucky” Mitchell who worked here many years. On our driving tour, there is a metal sculpture of Bucky…
Charlie Fairbank visits the 8-acre field on Fairbank Oil where 6,650 trees are being planted to increase biodiversity and reduce the carbon footprint. The planting of several species of oak…
Happy 140th anniversary Imperial Oil! This year, Fairbank Oil is also celebrating a special anniversary. It has been selling its crude to Imperial Oil for refining for 140 years. It…